1st Foundation Day - 2021
On 5th July 2020, the foundation of the National Human Rights & Women Welfare Organisation – unit of Seva Samarpit Foundation was laid by Sonal Singh – National Secretary & Founder. On the eve of its 1st foundation day, members of the organization, media person, and special guests gathered. Everyone enthusiastically took part in the ceremony.
Function At Bihar
By proper pursuance of covid protocol, the event was conducted at Fun point Resort, Hajipur, Vaishali.
Aditya Singh – Youth President (Bihar) managed the event and Jai Vardhan Pratap Singh – National Youth Secretary played the main assisting role.
The event started with the introduction of organization followed by the lightning of lamp to cake cutting.
Delineating the outlay of the organization National secretary & founder took the lead in the ceremony and conducted her speech. Explaining the fact that women are unique, she said that this organization is moving forward intending to raise the voice of the downtrodden and harassed women. Expressing concern over the increasing atrocities on women and the unsafe environment, she gave a message not to bow down to social evils. She further stated that for being irresponsible towards the elderly, the root cause is immorality spread in society.
Certificate of Appreciation provided to incentivize active members .
- Pappu Singh – National Executive President
- Santosh Sinha- National coordinator
- Md Shamim- National organization Incharge
- Jay Vardhan Pratap Singh -National Youth Secretary
- Aditya Singh- Youth President (Bihar)
- Muskan Kumari- Youth Vice President (Bihar)
- Anil Kumar- convener (muzaffarpur)
- Nirmala Sharma- President (Muzaffarpur)
- Khushbu Singh- Vice President( Muzaffarpur)
- Pushpmala kumari- Secretary (Muzaffarpur)
- Mamta Sahu- President (Vaishali)
- Rupa Sharma-President (Samastipur)
- Babli sinha- Vice President (Vaishali)
- Rajkanta raj- President (West Patna)
- Kumari Rinki- President (East Patna)
awarded for their active and proficient participation throughout the year.
Afterward, Santosh Sinha – National Coordinator well explained the work policies of the organization and upcoming projects. He told that the organization had provided women the source of earning to be independent and strongly supporting women’s empowerment. Organization is continuously trying to promote projects like cottage industries to generate more and more employment for women so that they can be made self-sufficient. In the upcoming times, the organization will provide shelter to the helpless old people by taking care of them. We are paying our attention from education to health, and hope this objective will be fulfilled shortly. The most backward areas where there are no health facilities by the government and lack of treatment is ruining the life of the people, We are relentless in delivering health facilities there.
At the end, the members took a pledge to eradicate the social malpractices spread around them and demonstrating their dedication towards human welfare and organization.
The organization is now moving towards its goal with strong determination and perseverance. It will surely achieve its destination very soon.
Celebration At Rajasthan

The foundation day was celebrated in a unique way in Rajasthan. People committed to assistance of indigent and human welfare , distributed food items among the poor to make this day more distinctive . Madhuri Parewa – Rajasthan Youth president , Bhavya Mishra- Rajasthan Youth Vice president and other members together fulfilled this objective and enhanced the dignity of the organization.